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Instagram: @Winsleycofeprimaryschool
An informal chat with the teacher
There is sometimes a chance for a quick chat before or after school about smaller issues. Do ask the teacher, but please be aware their time might be limited. If you would like to make an appointment to see your child’s teacher, please contact the school office.
Parents’ Interviews
Held in the autumn term and early summer so that staff and parents can discuss children’s progress. You can sign up on-line for an appointment slot.
Parents' guide to booking appointments
Sent home twice a year. The first one is a mid-year review and the second one is a summary of the year.
Parents’ Information Evenings
Two or three per academic year are held, to help parents understand the curriculum, and how children are taught.
Every other week. Newsletters are our main vehicle for communication. They inform you on what is happening and include dates, events and upcoming visits.
Group Call
This is the software we use to enable communication from school to be undertaken electronically by email or text message.
School Website
Copies of newsletters, menus, policies, etc, can be downloaded.
Letters Home
Letters are generally emailed and if consent is required, this is done through either ParentPay or Schoolcloud (you will be sent a link when required).