Palladian Academy Trust

On 1st December 2019, we became a member of the Palladian Academy Trust (PAT) The multi-academy trust (MAT) is a group of like-minded schools - all academies – that have chosen to work together in partnership for the benefit of our children’s education. The Trust – a group of geographically close secondary, primary, infant and junior schools - will build on existing good practice and collaborative work. It will seek to retain the ethos and identity of each school while enjoying and exploring the benefits of partnership.

  • Churchfields - The Village School 
  • Combe Down C of E Primary School
  • Fitzmaurice Primary School
  • Oldfield Park Infant School
  • Oldfield Park Junior School
  • Ralph Allen School (secondary school)
  • St Martin’s Garden Primary School
  • St Philip’s C of E Primary School
  • Westwood with Iford
  • Widcombe Infant School
  • Widcombe C of E Junior School
  • Winsley Primary School

The Palladian Academy Trust is a community of more than three thousand pupils and staff who work in our schools, and there is enormous potential for coming together as a community to provide enriched learning opportunities for every member of the Trust.

Why The Name ‘Palladian Academy Trust’?

The Palladian Bridge in Prior Park is a local landmark and since bridges connect people, the group felt this was a very appropriate emblem. The logo for the Trust reflects this.

About MATs

A MAT is a group of schools governed by one trust and a single board of directors. The board is responsible for decisions relating to how each academy is run, from curriculum to staffing.

Each of the academies within a MAT has a school governing body to which it delegates some of its functions, although the MAT remains overall accountable.

What The Palladian Academy Trust Aims To Do

Tim Withers is the Chief Executive Officer of the Trust. He says: ‘The Palladian Academy Trust (PAT) will be a partnership that will add to the opportunities for young people in our locality, with a vision for their personal development and education from 4 - 19.  We are really excited about the possibilities a multi-academy trust will offer.

‘Professional learning is something we feel is particularly important. Working in schools is a rewarding, but also a fast-moving and a demanding job. Training opportunities are always going to be expanded across a partnership.'

‘Our aim is that the Trust will be a great place to study, and also to work.’

Contact Details/Further Information

Palladian Academy Trust Head office address: Claverton Down Road, Bath  BA2 7AD

Company number: 08061092

For further details and regulatory information concerning Palladian Academy Trust, please click the link below:

Palladian Academy Trust


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